Recovering From A Server Crash

A server crash does not have to be the death sentence it once was; with the proper safety precautions and I.T management at play, you can quickly recover from a server crash with little to no substantial damage to your business or website. Recently suffered from a server crash and wond


ering what your next course of action is? Find out from the I.T support experts in Toronto by reading our article below!

Backing Up Files

Consistently backing up will seem tedious, but it will all be worth it in the scenario where you need to rely on your backup for your business. A backup will have all information that is essential to your company, and will be enough to keep you afloat while you perform other damage reducing tasks. It would be highly unlikely that your backup is exactly as the server was prior to the crash, so you will most likely need to perform some manual updating yourself.

Back To Default Settings

Are you prior server versions not looking to good to you? It might be time for a full system overhaul. This will revert your system to, essentially, as it was before your touched it. A factory-reseted server will require re-installation from recovery media. Your system settings will also need to be reset. The configuration wizard can prompt you on how to safely before a factory reset on your Windows server.

Prevention with Server Monitoring

Windows monitoring programs and solutions are your best preventative care in terms of dealing with potential server crashes. Server monitoring solutions will alert you to any issue the system comes across, giving you time before the server can fully crash to address and find a resolution to a potentially fatal error. Even if no solution is viable, you will atleast have time to perform a backup of your server.

Cloud Storage Saves The Day

While cloud services were once looked at with a skeptical eye, there’s no denying the convenience and security benefits of using cloud storage for your business. Your cloud storage system might be the one thing that pulls you out of disaster, and sets your business on the road to recovery. In this day and age, there is no excuse for not having a cloud recovery system at play.

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