Strong Cyber Security

We live in a world that is increasingly dominated by technology. While new technology makes our lives easier in many ways, it also makes us vulnerable to criminals who use it against us. Every year there are thousands of successful data breaches that often expose personal information and put your money at risk as hackers infiltrate both small and large businesses for financial gain.

One fifth of Canadian businesses were impacted negatively by cyber crime. Today, a business without computer protection is an easy target for hackers to steal valuable data. Not only can compromised data can lead to your clients’ personal data being exposed – it can do irreparable damage to the trust your clients placed in you.

Statistics reveal that about 53% of small businesses are online. 27% of these businesses have no I.T. support whatsoever. The average dollar loss of a malware attack on a small company is a startling $2.4 million! Cybercrime attacks are rampant. Apart from increasing dramatically, they are also getting very sophisticated. Some of the more common ones are phishing, identity theft, hacking, inciting terrorism or hate and child pornography.


A form of cyber-attack that holds information as well as devices hostage in exchange for a ransom is becoming increasingly popular amongst the attackers. Read on to learn more about the method of attack, how ransomware is changing, and if it is a threat that you and your users should be taking seriously. Using hacking as means in which to generate revenue is no new concept, this has been going on for some time with some approaches never really gaining steam, however, there are others that have proven to be an easy way to make some cash, therefore spawning multiple copycats.

Ransomware is a form of attack that has been quite effective in making money for hackers and has many high profile success stories, using malware that chargers users to gain access to their own device and files, and to date has had some incredible success.

For those who are unaware, ransomware is a form of malware that encrypts files and demands that users pay a fee in order to regain access and have the files returned, and should they refuse, they risk losing their data and devices for ever – once a countdown clock reaches zero.

It is important to take the proper precautions to protect yourself  and your business against cyber crime. Thankfully, our technicians at M.I.T Consulting are experienced in setting up secure computer systems that fight against cyber crime.

We protect your business against cyber criminals through the following solutions:

  • Training
  • Risk Management
  • Firewall Activation
  • End Point Protection
  • Reliable Data Backup
  • Reducing Network Complexity
  • Spyware and Malware Removal
  • Securing your Wireless Network

M.I.T is committed to keeping your important data secure. Book a free consultation today. Call us: 416-250-1040 or email

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